当考虑到委内瑞拉的背景下,美国.S. 出口管制和制裁, 掌握基本方面是很重要的, such as the specific sanctions in place and 委内瑞拉’s status under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

Under ITAR and EAR, 委内瑞拉 is subject to stringent restrictions and controls due to U.S. 外交政策和国家安全问题. 自2005年以来在美国,委内瑞拉一直是美国制裁的目标.S. sanctions aimed at the governments of Nicolás Maduro (and previously Hugo Chávez), 以及从事犯罪活动的个人, 腐败, 以及反民主的行为. These sanctions encompass not only sanctions on 委内瑞拉n individuals and entities but also sectoral and financial restrictions.


根据国际贸易法,委内瑞拉被列入 126.1份受禁名单, which prohibits the import, export, and sales from and to particular countries. 这一榜单主要由三个关键因素决定:1.) United Nations Security Council sanctions that mandate the prohibition of exports and sales to specified countries, 2.) prohibition on the export or temporary import of defense articles or services to countries designated as State Sponsors of 恐怖主义 by the Secretary of State, and 3.受美国武器禁运限制的国家.

委内瑞拉 specifically falls under category d(1) of the proscribed list which refers to the policy of denial for defense articles and defense services. 除了, under the ITAR the US has placed prohibition on all commercial arms sales and retransfers to 委内瑞拉. 重要的是要注意,如果武器禁运是根据国际贸易法实施的, 它也适用于EAR, 即使它还没有反映在法规中.


环球app下载安装地址《环球app下载安装》, 委内瑞拉被指定为D组国家. 委内瑞拉被列入这一名单也意味着出口和再出口到, 以及委内瑞拉境内的转账, are ineligible for specific license exceptions outlined in Part 740 of the EAR. Nations classified in this group face heightened restrictions and generally have access to fewer license exceptions. This inclusion is driven by national security concerns and aims to curtail these countries’ capabilities to proliferate weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), 弹道导弹, and arms. 具体地说, 委内瑞拉 is identified as a country of concern across all five of Country Group D subgroups D:1-D:5. 这些都是:

  • 国家安全问题
  • D:2:核扩散问题
  • D: 3:化学 & 生物扩散问题
  • 4 .导弹技术扩散问题
  • D:5: U.S. 武器禁运国家

For more information on the impact of the Country Groups and other country lists under the EAR take a look here.

委内瑞拉也受到制裁 744.21 of the EAR, which imposes controls on specific items detailed in Supplement No. 第2条至第744条,以便出口, reexport, and in-country transfers when there is knowledge that the item is intended for a military end use or a military end user in 委内瑞拉 (or certain other countries). 744.22同样对出口规定许可证要求, 再出口, or transfers to 委内瑞拉 of all items subject to EAR when they are intended for a military-intelligence end use or a military-intelligence end-user.

Exporters to 委内瑞拉 must file Electronic Export Information (EEI) in the Automated Export System (AES) for items subject to the EAR. This applies to all exports of items on the Commerce Control List to 委内瑞拉, regardless of value.

U.S. 对委内瑞拉的制裁

环球app下载安装地址对委内瑞拉的制裁, 美国, 在特朗普执政期间, 2019年实施了进一步的针对性制裁. 具体来说,美国.S. 通过行政命令制裁马杜罗政府 (EO) 13884. 该命令禁止.S. persons and entities from engaging in transactions with the 委内瑞拉n government unless explicitly authorized by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). However the people of 委内瑞拉 are not subject to comprehensive US sanctions. U.S. 人们仍然可以向委内瑞拉出口或再出口货物, provided they avoid transactions with sanctioned individuals or entities and refrain from prohibited activities. Those involved in such exports and 再出口 are also advised to consult the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security to ensure compliance with their regulations regarding the eligibility of exports and 再出口.

It is also important to note that EO 13884 does not proscribe transactions involved with the 委内瑞拉n government involving food, 医学, 服装, 还有一些是用来减轻人类痛苦的. 对此,OFAC发布 通用许可证4C 允许药品出口和再出口的交易, 医学设备, 农业大宗商品, 医疗器械的替换部件和组件, software updates for medical devices to 委内瑞拉 or to individuals in third countries 采购 items to resale to 委内瑞拉.

In 2024, OFAC amended licenses to authorize certain transactions to 委内瑞拉. 在拜登政府时期, these licenses aimed to encourage Nicolás Maduro’s government to hold fair and competitive elections. In 2022, OFAC allowed Chevron to resume operations with 委内瑞拉’s state oil company, PdVSA, 并颁发了恢复石油进出口的许可证. 下面这个, in 2023, Maduro and the opposition signed the Barbados Agreement focusing on a pathway to conduct fair elections. 因此, General License 43 (authorizing transactions with Minerven) and General License 44 (authorized transactions with the oil and gas sector) were issued. However, 都是因为马杜罗政府的不民主行为, OFAC在2024年初将这些许可证修订为GL 43A (结束与CVG company General de Mineria的交易)和GL 44A (逐步减少油气业务).

最近一次是在2024年5月10日,OFAC发布了一份 通用许可证8N to allow specific transactions that were previously prohibited by the 委内瑞拉n 制裁 Regulations. This license replaces the previous General License 8M and is valid until November 15, 2024. This license permits limited transactions with 委内瑞拉’s state oil company, PdVSA, 在特定条件下, 并促进某些实体的业务逐步减少. 许可证允许像哈里伯顿这样的公司, 斯伦贝谢有限, 贝克休斯控股有限公司, and Weatherford International to perform necessary maintenance or wind down activities involving PdVSA, 前提是这些协议在7月26日之前生效, 2019. However, 该许可证不授权钻井等活动, 处理, 采购, 或者运输委内瑞拉石油, 维修设施, 向PdVSA支付股息, etc. This measure is designed to enable limited interactions while maintaining broad restrictions on business activities with PdVSA.

These sanctions and regulations may change as the political climate in 委内瑞拉 evolves, 特别是7月28日即将举行的选举, 2024. Although enhanced democratic processes may not be evident during these elections, it seems that U.S. sanctions and export controls towards 委内瑞拉 have relaxed and may continue to do so depending on the election outcomes.




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Maria G. Ferree是ECTI的出口管制助理
